Thursday, January 24, 2019

John and Halcyon Bell

It was a very short time in 1976 following my arrival in Almonte to work for Galligan and Sheffield, Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries Public that I was introduced to their then clients, John and Halcyon Bell. My instincts told me they were somehow posh - though the explanation wasn’t immediate. It turns out John was the son of James Mackintosh Bell who was a renowned geologist and owner of “Old Burnside” located on what is now called Strathburn Street in Almonte.

As John recollected to me on one occasion, “When father owned the house he had a skeleton staff of fifteen". I assume that the maintenance and fuel-supply of the large fireplaces located throughout the home necessitated considerable and relentless attention.

Son John was peculiar. Though the country residence where he and his very agreeable wife Halcyon lived off the Clayton Road was comfortable by any standard - complete with terrarium, in-ground pool overlooking the meadow, antique samovar and bits of Lalique and other desirable accoutrements - they nonetheless came off as unique. John’s appearance was novel, beginning with an unusual country-kitchen haircut - short, seemingly coloured (some description of red or orange), pointed crop at the front, all lending the effect of an Irish leprechaun.

Most often we dined at John and Halcyon’s house because they clearly felt most comfortable there, holding court in front of the large fireplace with its massive burning log, drinking as desired, treated to extremely flavourful nourishment. Our congregation normally consisted of the Bells, myself and my partner (always a lady from Almonte or Ottawa) and another young couple. The Bells were older by thirty years at least.

The one occasion I entertained the Bells at my own house (for a Sunday luncheon), John spent the entire time outside on the back lawn drinking rye and water.

John attended Upper Canada College (UCC) for his prep-school education. I suspect I told him I had gone to St. Andrew’s College. But other than that I don’t recall him having shared any detail about his UCC days. Generally he and Halcyon were shy about discussing themselves. I only heard remote stories about their daughter (whom I never met) and nothing about their siblings or other immediate family. My acquaintance with John and Halcyon Bell was limited to the social and professional associations which transpired early in my career. They both disappeared off the map within about five years.  It came as a surprise to learn of John’s death.

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