Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Leonard Lee

Leonard is famous primarily as the founder of the outrageously successful Lee Valley Tools, but he has done much more to contribute to the world of commerce and society in general, particularly his company Canica Design on Mills Street in Almonte which develops innovative medical devices especially designed for soft tissue wound closures.

Normally there wouldn’t have been much reason for me to have encountered Leonard (dealing as he does in the rarefied atmosphere of patents, regulatory approvals and international trade) except that he was a officer in my father’s command in the Air Force many years ago. This connection (which I take was not acrimonious in any way) likely led to Leonard drifting in my direction from time to time for low-level legal assistance, such as notarizing documents for international export, etc.

Like so many of the outstandingly successful people in this area, Leonard cultivates an association with the “locals”. I believe I am correct to surmise that this is not something he does as mere token, but rather that he positively enjoys rubbing shoulders with his neighbours. While he never carries on with any pretense, there is nonetheless a certain air about him when cavorting with the local businessmen over morning coffee, for example, an undeniable testimony to his elevated position in the hierarchy of area and even international businessmen.

He has built what is by most people’s standards a lavish residence located on the 8th Concession of Ramsay Township which I visited once when he was in his sick bed to get him to autograph some document. His wife has to my knowledge been with him for many years, and she shares his common touch, affability and slight reserve.

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