Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Peter Brown

Peter Brown was one of the first people in the Almonte community whom I met who was not part of the legal profession. He was a client and friend of Michael J. Galligan, QC.

Peter began his career with Atomic Energy of Canada, I believe, but he has since founded his own company (Mevex Corporation) which incorporates radiation as a component for the sterilization of things, including food. Each one of his machines sells for something well over a million dollars (perhaps even as much as three million dollars) but Peter is the first to say that cash flow is a problem and that sales are not always brisk.

Peter's family was in Kingston, Ontario where I understand his father had significant real estate investments, the inheritance of which did nothing to harm his own financial success in life. Their children, David and Susan, are as singular as their unique parents. David is punishingly athletic, driven to extremes in proving his endurance (for example, riding his bicycle from Ottawa to Kingston). Susan has the subliminal but dominating features of her father. Her husband, "Franci" (Francesco) is pacific by comparison. David's wife, Linda Martin, has likewise inherited all the determination of her mother, Fern Martin (a well known feminist and advocate who for years spoke through the medium of "Interval House", a women's shelter in Carleton Place).

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